Together we can Quit
As part of the campaign “Together we can quit!”, The Swedish Public Freedom Service is holding a workshop with the

The Liquid State of Fluidoria
On June 22, I participated in Gylleboverket’s Temadag Vatten, a day filled with workshops, discussions, installations, film screenings, etc, on

Swedish Public Freedom Service in Boden
Frihetsförmedlingen, the Swedish Public Freedom Service (John Huntington & Lars Noväng) participates in “Maskinerna är igång” in Boden’s urban city

The Ministry of Uncertainty
As a response to the workshop “Designing the Parallel Society”, held by Frihetsförmedlingen in Minsk in June 2019, Elisabeth Kovtiak

Freedom Inspection in Gothenburg
In December, the Supervisory Unit of the Swedish Public Freedom Service carried out a freedom inspection in Gothenburg This unannounced

Freedom Office at Backaplan in Gothenburg
The Swedish Public Freedom Service opens a temporary office at Backaplan in Gothenburg, November 23rd through 25th. This office is

Artificial means Fabricated
November 7th, the Swedish Artist’s Association, KRO, arranges a seminar in Stockholm: Artificiellt betyder konstgjort. I will participate with a

Furhat visit
I’m invited to present the Swedish Public Freedom Service and discuss bureaucracy and AI Development with the amazing crowd working

Together we can Quit
As part of the campaign “Together we can quit!”, The Swedish Public Freedom Service is holding a workshop with the

The Liquid State of Fluidoria
On June 22, I participated in Gylleboverket’s Temadag Vatten, a day filled with workshops, discussions, installations, film screenings, etc, on

Swedish Public Freedom Service in Boden
Frihetsförmedlingen, the Swedish Public Freedom Service (John Huntington & Lars Noväng) participates in “Maskinerna är igång” in Boden’s urban city

The Ministry of Uncertainty
As a response to the workshop “Designing the Parallel Society”, held by Frihetsförmedlingen in Minsk in June 2019, Elisabeth Kovtiak

Freedom Inspection in Gothenburg
In December, the Supervisory Unit of the Swedish Public Freedom Service carried out a freedom inspection in Gothenburg This unannounced

Freedom Office at Backaplan in Gothenburg
The Swedish Public Freedom Service opens a temporary office at Backaplan in Gothenburg, November 23rd through 25th. This office is

Artificial means Fabricated
November 7th, the Swedish Artist’s Association, KRO, arranges a seminar in Stockholm: Artificiellt betyder konstgjort. I will participate with a

Furhat visit
I’m invited to present the Swedish Public Freedom Service and discuss bureaucracy and AI Development with the amazing crowd working